Basic Internet marketing Concepts when Blogging
The goal of this exercise is to provide beginners with a solid foundation on which to build an online marketing business. Most of you are eager to DO something online but you just don’t know where to start. As I mentioned in the first lesson, the best place to begin is with your own blog. Why? Simple… Blogs are free and they are an excellent way to learn the basics of online marketing without spending money to do it. Start with one blog and learn how to tweak it using SEO techniques that I will give you as we move along. Ultimately we want your blog indexed by Google. If you do this correctly, Google will eventually start sending traffic to your site. How long does this take? It depends on many factors but I have found that my main blogs have all been indexed within a few weeks and in one instance – 3 days. (the blog you are reading now)
Before moving on let’s clarify a few terms so you have a better understanding of what we are trying to accomplish.
Indexing – This term refers to the search engines. Simply put – Do the search engines know that your site exists? If they do then you have been indexed. How can you tell? Just query the search engine using your URL address ie. – if they find your site then you have been indexed. If it says that no page exists by that name then you aren’t indexed.
There are many search engines but we are only interested in the top three; Google, Yahoo and MSN. These 3 engines account for 75% of all search engine queries carried out on any given day with Google processing the most queries by far. (50% estimate).
If you go to Google and type in a query – let’s say “how do beginners make money online” – Google will look through all the pages it has indexed (read and recorded) from all the sites it continuously crawls on the Internet in order to present you with a list of the most relevant sites concerning your query.
The brains at Google have come up with algorithms that determine relevancy based on several factors, some we know about and some we don’t. The factors we know of include things like page content, the age of a site, keywords, sheer volume of unique content, page rank and most importantly, relevant back links.
Let’s look at these factors a bit more closely.
Page Content.
Google likes unique content. You will get indexed fast if you use original material on your blog. If you copy and paste content found elsewhere on the Internet you won’t get indexed very fast and usually not at all. You can also get into copyright troubles doing this.
The age of a website or blog
The older the site the better. This is not crucial but Google will give older sites a higher preference over new sites simply to eliminate all the spam blogs and sites that are created daily from dominating its index. This can be overcome with the proper technique.
The term keyword simply refers to what your topic is. If I wanted some info on Ugg boots, I would type in “Ugg Boots” on Google and it would present me with a list of sites related to Ugg Boots. Google uses keywords to generate its search. If you have a website or blog that discusses Ugg Boots and you have used this keyword enough times in your posts then Google will rightly assume that your website is about Ugg Boots. If you only used the keyword once while talking about Australian fashion then Google will probably not use your site in its list for Ugg Boots but may decide that your site is about Australian fashion instead.
Keywords are very important for getting your site listed in the proper category. If you are starting a blog that sells Ugg Boots then you had better make sure that the search engines know what your site is about. This is done by using your prime Keywords in your page titles, post titles and sprinkled a few times in your articles. Beware that using your keywords too many times will get you into trouble as Google will see your site as a spam blog and delete you from its index. The rule of thumb is that you don’t want to use your keyword more than 2 or 3 times per one hundred words. (keyword density should not exceed 3-4% of your total article) This is very important.
Content Volume
The more pages you produce the better. Search engines like content – the more the merrier. If you keep adding pages to your blog or website, the search engines will crawl you regularly and your site will get listed more often when your keywords are queried. Why? Think of it this way. If you write just one article about a subject, how much info can you give in three or four hundred words. A bit but you will leave a lot of pertinent info out. Take Ugg Boots for example. My first article might discuss the history of Ugg Boots and where to buy them. This is fine and I may get listed whenever someone queries the following keywords; “Ugg”, “Ugg Boots”, “Ugg History”, “Ugg Purchase”. The problem is that I won’t get listed if someone queries “Types of Ugg Boots” or “How to remove stains from Ugg Boots” or “Colours of Ugg Boots”. Are you getting the picture. The more articles you write the more content you give the search engines to list your site under. If my site has a thousand pages on everything there is to know about Ugg boots then I guarantee I will get listed for every query made about Ugg boots. The more you get listed the greater your traffic will be and the more clicks your adsense ads will get.
Note: I have used the Ugg boot keyword so many times in this article that it will fool Google into thinking this post is about Ugg boots and it will get listed for that query – the unfortunate user will find out that this is really about making money online with blogs. My apologies to anybody who found this page while searching for boots.
Page Rank and Back Links
Update 2009 – Over the past few years Google has removed the weight it used to give to pages with high page rank. As a result page rank now has little to do with how well your site will rank for a targeted keyword. I have left this info on the page but it no longer is of much concern. I have dominated many keywords in the search engines with low PR sites and pages.
Page rank is closely associated with back links. To separate the wheat from the chaff Google has devised a page ranking system that it uses to determine how important your pages are. For example, if you followed the first lesson then you have now created a blog on Googles’ At present you only have one post on it and it should resemble the post I left on my new blog Blogger Basics for Beginners. It is highly unlikely that Google has found your blog yet but if it has then you would be indexed for whatever topic you picked. Someone looking for your post using Google search would likely find your site listed a couple of hundred pages deep in the search listings. This is effectively like not being listed at all. I have had traffic come to my sites from as deep as six or seven pages back in the Google listings but most people will not search more than the first two or three pages. Ideally you want to be on the first page to get the most traffic. To get on the first page you need, above all else, back links. Only the sites that Google deems as highly relevant get on the first page.
Let me explain this further.
Every site is ranked between 0 and 10. The higher the number the more important your site is. If your site is a 10 then I guarantee your site will be listed on the first page and no doubt in the top position. Currently the new blog you set up has a ranking of 0 (zero). Content and the age of your site will gain you some ranking over time. If you do nothing else but post unique content then you might get a ranking of 2 in a year from now, possibly sooner. A ranking of 2 will not get you much traffic. How can you speed up your ranking? Simple… get back links and get lots of them.
Back Links
What are back links? They are links placed on other websites or blogs or forums or directories that connect people to your site. In other words they are click-able links that point back at your site (called hypertext). The theory is that the more sites that have links pointing back at your site the more important your site must be. This makes sense. If other sites are sending traffic to your site then you must be some kind of authority for your niche or topic. As a result Google will give you a higher page rank because of your importance. With a higher page rank your site will then get listed higher in the searches.
There are some rules to this however. The back links that count must be relevant to your topic. If your site is about “Dog Grooming” then links from pet sites and animal care sites are great. If you have links from a site like mine then Google will ignore the links because my site is in no way relevant to dog grooming.
The page rank of the sites giving you links is very important. If you get 1 hundred links from pet stores to your dog grooming site but all the incoming links are from sites with o page rank then you might get a ranking of 1 or 2. If you get half a dozen links from relevant sites that have a page ranks of 5 or higher then you will end up being ranked a 4 or 5. If you can get a link from a page rank 7 or higher you will vault up the rankings quickly and the age of your site will not matter.
Note: You can get thousands of links from sites that have no relevance to your site and this won’t help you much. I mention this to caution you against using link exchanges or link farms. These types of links worked in the past but no longer as Google ignores them. By the way if Google catches you linking to sites that are not relevant to your site you will be penalized and lose ranking. This is how link exchanges work – people buy or sell links to anyone else regardless of relevancy. Stay clear of this.
One last thing. You will gain more from one way links. Lots of sites that are relevant to your site will trade links with you. They link to you and you link to them. This is called a two way link. Don’t bother as this won’t help you much. The exception would be if the other site has a high page rank. In this case go ahead but in reality high page rank sites only want links from other high ranking sites. They will not link to you unless there is an advantage for them. One way links are the best because Google sees them as a confirmation of your importance, ie. other sites think you important enough to give you a link without getting one in return.
The good news is that it is easy to get lots of relevant backlinks. I will get back to this shortly.
The Google Sandbox
One more – one last thing… You may or may not of heard about the sandbox effect. When it comes to Google nobody really knows the whole story on how they tweak their system. One of the most confusing programs they employ is the sandbox a system that keeps your site off the charts for a indeterminate period of time. This is in order to stop spam sites from getting listed fast. A new site may sit in the sandbox for 6 months collecting quality backlinks and lots of unique content and still not get listed in the searches. Then one day you find Google suddenly recognizes all the back links and content and bumps your site way up the charts.
I have several good sites that have been in the sandbox for several months now. This is normal and I have learned to be patient and use the time to get good backlinks and keep adding content. The confusing part is that this particular blog you are reading spent zero time in the sandbox. Google indexed this site in 3 days and has credited me with 135 backlinks already. This has meant traffic has been coming from the search engines since practically day one. I still don’t have a ranking yet (all the backlinks are from O page rank sites) and yet my keywords are being placed on the first few pages of the listings. This blows me away as this blog is less than two months old and I am already high in the listings for certain keywords. I should mention that Yahoo and MSN has me even higher. (it’s normal to get listed in Yahoo and MSN long before you get any listings in Google).
I mention this because I know what I did different in this blog and my guess is that Google approves and has rewarded my efforts. This is the same technique that I am going to teach you.
I received an email asking how much I was going to charge for these lessons. Apparently the fellow thought I was going to give away a few tidbits to get you all hooked and then hit you up for money before I gave you the really good stuff. Don’t worry – there is no fee and there won’t be one. Spreading this knowledge around doesn’t hurt my business at all and to be honest these lessons will make great content for my blog.
OK, that’s a lot of background and we haven’t got around to today’s lesson. Actually it’s pretty simple but you will have to make yourselves do it. Write an article about your Blog’s subject matter and post it.
The rules
Try for about 400 words. (Longer is also good but not necessary)
Use your Keywords a couple of times throughout the whole article.
Use your Keyword in the Blog Post Title
Use your Keyword in the first sentence.
Use your Keyword in the final sentence.
Try and Put your Keyword in Bold type at least once in the article – a sub headline is a good way to do this.
Put your link in the link field so that the post links back to your site.
Your link is – replace “yourblog” with your sites url name.
Post your article on your Blog.
After you have finished on your Blog go to
Select Submit/Edit An Article
Fill out the info to join (It’s free) and then I want you to re-write your article leaving all your keywords the same but use synonyms for all the rest of the main words. Synonyms are words that mean the same thing as the original word. ie. “New” is a synonym for “Original”. (Sorry if I am insulting your intelligence but some people won’t know this)
I’m asking you to do this so that you have two articles that say the same thing but are written differently. You will post the second article on (It’s easy to do and the site explains how)
If Google finds duplicate articles they will not index the pages that the articles are on. (This is the theory at least but isn’t quite true – a story for another day) This way you will get your blog indexed. The GoArticle posting is what will get you those free and easy backlinks I was talking about earlier. I will explain more about this in the next lesson.
Before posting the second article I have to show you how to embed your sites backlink in the first sentence of the article. I will explain the reasons for this next lesson, for now just follow my instructions as this is very important.
Example. Let’s say your keyword is “dog grooming”.
Your Blog Post Title should be just “Dog Grooming”. The less extra words the better. You could add more keywords though… like “Make Money Dog Grooming” or “Dog Grooming for Profit”
Your Sub Heading should be something like “Everything you need to know about Dog Grooming”. Remember to put this in bold print in your blog post. (GoArticles will not let you make it bold.)
Your final sentence in the article would be something like, “Thanks for visiting my Dog Grooming site”.
And now the important sentence… the first sentence would be like this…
“If you think dog grooming is hard then please read this article.”
I will now show you how to put your sites link where you typed “dog grooming” (this is only for the GoArticles post – not for your blog post.) You can see what I mean in the first sentence of my GoArticles post here Beginner Basics for Making Money Online Using Blogs
<*a href=””>dog grooming <*/a> (replace dog grooming with your keyword and “makemoneyforbeginners” with your sites url name)
(Update – I have removed the working links in the following examples for SEO reasons but the information is correct – just no example. )
This is the code to make a hypertext link – the two * should be removed as I had to put them in as spaces for you to read this code. With out the * you would see this dog grooming If you hover over the link you will see the backlink pointing to in your browser window.
Highlight the entire block of code, copy it and paste it after highlighting the keyword in your first sentence. The final sentence will look like this;
“If you think dog grooming is hard then please read this article.”
You have now put a backlink into your article that will point back to your site from whatever sites end up downloading your article and posting it as content on their sites.
Note: GoArticles has an authors box that allows you to put a backlink to your site in it. When people publish your article on their site they are required to post the whole article and your Author Bio (containing your link) as well. Sadly a lot of sites will just post the first few lines of your article and tell their readers that they can find the rest of your article at by using a link that says “More, click here”. This effectively cuts out your backlink in the author’s bio which is located at the end of your article. By putting your link in the first line of text they can’t eliminate your back link if they don’t publish your whole article.
If you haven’t figured it out yet, this is how you will get lots of backlinks to your site – one way backlinks, the best kind! You will be surprised how many times others will use your articles as content on their sites. (you can see how many times my articles have been downloaded here… GoArticles Top Authors – I’m number 7 last I checked.) People don’t want to create their own and are happy to download someone else’s work. Keep in mind that you will be downloaded more often if you have picked a popular niche. If you are still writing about “pre-Cambrian rock formations” you may not get any downloads.
Another Note: The sites using your article will likely not get the page indexed as Google will hit them for duplicate content. You won’t have to worry because the GoArticles post is different from your Blog post. While your competition is busy not being indexed using your article you will be getting indexed because of your unique content. Your competition actually helps you by giving you backlinks while you hurt them by giving them duplicate content. Imagine there were only ten sites on the net that competed for dog grooming. Your site uses unique content and you supply the other 9 sites with duplicate content embedded with backlinks to your site. What would Google see? They would rank you at the top as the authority because all the other sites are pointing at you.
Obviously you will never get all the competition pointing to you but out of every 1 million competitors for every keyword I bet 99% use duplicate content which is how the 1% that use unique content get listed on the first few pages. Out of a million competing sites you really only have 50 to 100 real rivals, others that know what they are doing and are working on their rankings. You just have to out perform these sites to get top ranking. Stick with me and I will show you how.
That’s enough for today, my fingers are tired.
Tune in again for lesson three of Make Money Using Blogs
(notice how I snuck my Keywords into the last line – and bold to boot)
Later folks.
Anonymous said…
Great stuff. Thanks for the info.
Are you going to talk about how to create 1000 blogs? I don’t know how this is possible but I made my first blog and it was easy like you said.
I don’t know what niche to go after so I hope you discuss this soon.
Anyway just wanted to say that your site is great.
February 10, 2007 10:52 AM
Anonymous said…
I joined the $19.95 plan and think it will be a good money maker – especialy considering this was free. What are your thoughts on this company?. What a huge market, they should sell millions.
[URL=http://]Opportunity Seekers[/URL]
February 10, 2007 11:03 AM
Anonymous said…
When is the next blog lesson? Don’t mean to rush you.
February 11, 2007 5:18 AM
Dena said…
I am constantly floored by the quality of your posts!
I actually LEARNED stuff from these blogging posts…LOL
Take care and thanks for all the great traffic.!
July 09, 2007 6:16 AM
Ibrahim said…
I thought of a new way to get backlinks, but i dont know if it would work. What i did was i searched for groups on face book related to my niche and posted my link on it. Would it help to get my page indexed and get a better ranking.
August 22, 2007 8:21 AM
Jasa said…
Hey, honestly, this has to be the most workable thing on making money I’ve read. And the best part, its free!
I tried a few other stuff that I paid for, and none worked. So wanna give a shout out to ya. Search for essential web design tips Didnt thought your tips would work
Anyway, its now optimized for a narrow keyword base. How do I optimize it for like a larger one, say “web design tips” instead of “essential web design tips”? More tips?
September 17, 2007 4:35 AM
JohnT said…
Hi Grizzly,
I have just purchased ‘Super Tips & $7.00 Secrets’. The only reason I purchased them, was to pay you back for the help I have recieved from your blog. I purchased them between 10 and 12 GMT. I would be interested to know if you recieved the money and if the abover plans are for real
All the best – John
February 11, 2008 6:13 AM
Grizzly Brears said…
They are for real – it’s how I do things online.
February 11, 2008 6:28 AM
John said…
Hi Grizzly,
Sorry to be a pain. You said to put a back link in the first sentence of your goarticles article, but not on your blog post.
However, in answer to a comment on your ‘Content Theft’ post, you said to put a link in your blog post as well.
As I am following your advice to the letter, I was hoping you could clear this up for me.
Thanks for your help. All the best – JohnT
March 11, 2008 8:50 AM
Grizzly Brears said…
I really need to update these lessons one day. At one time I only had problems with people stealing articles and using the link in the first paragraph was a good way to get a backlink from people who only post snippets of your article and leave out the “about” box.
It is now common for people to steal blog posts as well and this is why you should add a link in them as well.
Essentially put a link back to your blog on everything you write.
March 11, 2008 9:17 AM
mrbreze said…
My first post,published Tuesday
April 8, showed up this morning with 4 actual relevant Adsense ads.
I wrote my 400 word post yesterday and
hit the preview button.
The post appeared
like I wrote
but it printed
out like
Where did I go wrong?
Thanks for your help,
April 11, 2008 9:28 AM
Grizzly Brears said…
Did you compose the article on an editor like notepad or similar?
I usually just write my posts directly on blogger to avoid transposition problems when moving text over from another text editor.
If this isn’t the case you’ll have to let me know.
April 11, 2008 9:35 AM
mrbreze said…
Thanks for the quick response Grizzly.
I wrote it directly in the Blogger posting box. I put spacing between the paragraphs so it wouldn’t like one long 400 word sentence. It looked fine when I finished, but when I hit preview some lines had 10 words, some maybe 1 or 2. I tried for 2 hours this morning in Blogger to correct the problem. I joined the help group they have on site, but saw nothing that could help.
I am a very raw beginner, but I know how to type a sentence. I don’t, however, know much about the editing/layout/formatting side of things.
I was ecstatic when I saw those relevant adsense ads (my keyword: babys first toys), but this is frustrating.
I’m sorry to be such a pain in the ass, but I don’t yet have the knowledge to solve this problem.
Thanks again,
April 11, 2008 12:44 PM
Grizzly Brears said…
When composing your post – which tab were you in – the “Edit Html” or “Compose” Tab?
You can toggle between these two tabs at the top right hand corner of the box you do your writing in on blogger.
The current Tab will be the Tab that is shaded without an underline under the term.
April 11, 2008 3:15 PM
mrbreze said…
That’s a good question. I wish I had a good answer, but I don’t know.
I got the title and keywords set up and selected the template and stuff. I know what box you’re talking about but I ignored it and just started writing.
Where should it be set and if that is the problem, will changing it work?
If not, I’ll just re-type the post. I’m just trying to avoid making the same mistake.
As always, Thanks for the help
April 11, 2008 4:37 PM
Grizzly Brears said…
I have found if you switch back and forth between the two modes things can get a bit scrambled. As such I usually write the whole post in “Edit HTML” mode and publish.
Rewrite it and try again – if still having problems email me the URL so I can see.
April 11, 2008 5:35 PM
mrbreze said…
You’re gonna shoot my dumbass. I brought the problem on myself.
While writing, I would hit the enter key where “I” thought the line should end instead of just typing the complete sentence and letting the software work its magic. My apologies. It took about an hour, but I got it sorted out and published. First line indentation for a new paragraph didn’t take, but that ain’t no thing. I’ll figure it out.
Can’t thank you enough for your help.
PS: any tricks at GoArticles I need to know?
April 12, 2008 10:29 AM
Grizzly Brears said…
LOL. Hadn’t thought of asking you that. Glad you sorted it out – hey it’s all a learning experience.
What makes you think I have a few tricks at Goarticles? My outrageous downloads perhaps?
I do have a few secrets but forgive me for keeping them to myself for the time being. It’s the kind of trick that only works because only 1 person can do it – as soon as anyone else does it – it won’t work so telling you wouldn’t help anyway or I would.
April 12, 2008 10:37 AM
mrbreze said…
Awww hell Grizzly,
That’s awright.
You give away enough great information as it is.
Just keep that coming and we’ll figure out the rest.
Many Thanks,
April 12, 2008 12:03 PM
Watcher of the Watchers said…
I’m trying to get indexed and get backlinks, posting on forums seems a good way perhaps, is it important to have the link as a keyword, that links, if so, you need the code for a web page, but not for a forum, is it important, can we just stick in the in the forum post, or is it best to have keyword clik on that and it links to site, that way you are indexed to the keyword, if so, adding the code we need for a forum would be good, that way, when we try and post our blog at places like Yahoo answers, we are doing it right.
May 27, 2008 7:40 PM
Don Simkovich said…
I also have articles on Associated Content, Helium and Hubpages. Are these as valuable as GoArticles? I hadn’t heard of GoArticles until now.
June 21, 2008 12:29 AM
Grizzly said…
Anyplace that gives you a keyword anchored backlink (ie. let’s you use a do-follow link) is valuable. The more sites you find the better.
June 21, 2008 5:54 AM
Grizzly said…
Yes it is better to use your keyword in a forum link than just your URL. I will put together a post of odds and ends including the BB code used for forum signatures.
June 21, 2008 5:56 AM
Ameya said…
Hey Grizzly,
Just wanted to say thanks! I’m on my second or third blog attempt following your instructions (trying to get at least one really up and running) And i started my newest one late last night, and when I woke up this morning, vioala! indexed! I’m quite surprised indeed, and all the more determined to go all the way with this thing.
thanks again!
June 24, 2008 9:36 AM
Grizzly said…
Glad to hear you are making progress. Patience and a little persistence always works for me. Good luck with the blogs and thanks for dropping in.
June 24, 2008 9:41 AM
EnergyPop said…
How can you tell if Google has indexed your site? If I search for my URL, it doesn’t find it. I have an old blog from 2007 and I get the same result with that. However, I search by typing site:url it DOES find the old blog, but not the new blog. Also, how can you see your PR and how can you tell how many backlinks G recognizes for purposes of giving you higher PR? Thanks.
July 26, 2008 1:16 PM
Cedric L said…
Hi Grizzly,
First of all thanks a lot for the great material you’re posting. Much appreciated.
In your article you are talking about the fact that this blog didn’t get sandboxed because:
“I mention this because I know what I did different in this blog and my guess is that Google approves and has rewarded my efforts. This is the same technique that I am going to teach you.”
Now, I am wondering, what exactly did you different than with your other blogs? Is it about the post volume that you mentioned on Vic’s blog? is it about not putting adsense on too early?
I’m really interested to know. Thanks in advance.
best regards,
July 28, 2008 6:16 PM
lollybaby said…
Well after months of tapping in stuff like ‘working from home’ or ‘online jobs’ and usually getting directed to a piss poor one page site full of links to other piss poor scam sites I finally find somone who doesn’t want to sell me an e-book or sell me their secrets for 39.99 !!
Having read the first two of your lessons I started going “Oh I get it” and similar. I don’t know why you have decided to be so public spirited but my faith in human nature has been restored a little.
I just set up a blog so I can now see another the use for it.Thanks for being a decent human being and not a money grabbing sh**e.
August 30, 2008 11:37 AM
Grizzly said…
You are welcome.
Btw – I’m just building up your trust so I can empty your wallet at a future date. Just haven’t figured out how yet. lol
All the best and good luck online.
August 30, 2008 11:40 AM
Anonymous said…
Thanks you are a great and generous man and I’m sure you know that “what goes arround comes around”. Keep it up and be happy.
September 11, 2008 9:17 AM
sameera said…
This a very good stuff for a beginner. As a beginner i have found it very important for me.
October 10, 2008 1:13 AM
The Punisher said…
Hello Griz,
I dont know if your syill following comments made on this post but I would really appreciate if you could answer some questions regarding this post.
Once we have setup our blogger page, optimized for that keyword, then you say to get listed and ranked all we have to do is post a rewritten form of that article to…
Would doing only that be sufficient to get ranked on the first page or can I do more?
Thank you
November 04, 2008 11:37 PM
Kamatchi Jeyaraj said…
Really a boon to the beginners.
November 05, 2008 3:50 AM
Grizzly said…
You will need a lot more than a single link to get on page 1 of the serp’s unless the keyword you are targeting has no competition.
A single link from another site will get you indexed as the Google bot crawls the linking site and finds yours.
You will be ranked but probably deep in the bowels of the serp’s – depends on the keyword of course but yes, you will need lots of anchored backlinks to move up.
November 05, 2008 5:01 PM
The Punisher said…
Thanks for the reply Grizzly. The keyword I am targeting for your method has a competition of 25,000. Should be easy to get #1.
I have an account but the problem with them is that they have very strict rules and an article where the keyword is repeated is rejected. The only articles that get accepted are the ones that rarely have my keyword in them :/
Ok so ArticleMarketer is out. Aside from Goarticles what else should I try, should I comment on dofollwo blogs with my anchor text? Will that work?
What else can I do to rise up the serps??
Thanks again for your replies, Griz
BTW, how down am I on your TO DO list??
Just a friendly reminder on the mail I sent you
November 05, 2008 10:19 PM
Grizzly said…
Here is a list of Link Resources – that you can use.
Here is a list of bloggers who are interested in exchanging links for niche blogs.
A quick check puts your email in the mid 30′s as to my “to do” list. Hate to say it but my email runneth over – as soon as I can…
November 06, 2008 8:36 AM
how to make money online said…
It might be worth your readers knowing that not all article sites are equal.
For example if I submit an article to goarticles I get a few backlinks from a page with PR10, however if I submit an article to ezine articles (which Google seems to love) I get a couple of backlinks with anchor text from a a page with PR4 – 3.
I tried out one of my blogs using go articles and one using ezine. I was on the first page in a month by using ezine articles. Obviously I hammered out 20 or so articles.
I’ll only use that site from now on and would never pay people like article marketer. All you get is thousands of backlinks that drag your site down the SERPS instead of up.
Just a thought.
November 25, 2008 2:48 PM
L J said…
Ok, I’m on lesson 2 now and I’m blown away!! This education to me, is worth it’s weight in gold; yes, I did say gold! I’ve been working away at trying to learn internet marketing for over a year now, and I hadn’t learned any of this stuff. I bet I spent over 2k on crap I don’t need or cant use anymore (out dated). “GRIZZ” your AMAZING!!! Thank You. I just might move back to Canada now… maybe not.
February 16, 2009 5:41 PM
Jahz said…
thank you very much sir i mention you in my blog for i have been encourage to pursue bloggin again..God Bless! ^_____^
February 19, 2009 3:10 AM
zak! said…
Hey Grizz!
Been reading quite a few of ur blogs lately and i must admit im impressed. U seem to really know ur way around this whole internet marketing system. Im taking u up on ur advice and trying to start my own blog. However I wanted to ask if u or anybody else knew anything about this program called ppc classroom. Its run by a guy called amit mehta and claims to sky rocket ur profits by using PPC. Have u ever heard of this guy and do u know whether him and his program are legit or not?? Would really appreciate any feedback.
PS I have to say ur lessons are superb!! Youve made the world a better place!
February 20, 2009 1:31 PM
Grizzly said…
Stay away from PPC – you can lose a lot of money playing that game. I don’t know how legit that program is but buying adwords ads to sell affiliate programs is a tough go and if you don’t know what you are doing you can lose your shirt.
Learn how to make money without spending it first.
February 20, 2009 1:37 PM
Michael said…
Hey Grizz,
Great blog! I have a question and I’m really hoping you can help me out. As a newb, I made a big mistake of publishing my original content from my blog onto ezinearticles, without revising any of it. I was not aware of the duplicate content filter at the time and was thinking I was simply creating valuable backlinks. My ezinearticles have had over 27,000 page views, but only a fraction of that has clicked onto my site. I know realize that my content on is overshadowing the content on my blog and I’m only receiving a fraction of the traffic I should based on the rankings of my articles for a multitude of key words.
Question: Should I just go and delete my ezinearticles or try to edit them in some way. And if I should edit them, to what extent should I revise them to make sure it is not duplicate content? Is there any way to salvage this situation? Thanks in advance for your help.
March 06, 2009 5:40 PM
connee said…
Okay, I just have to say I’m so excited! I got indexed on Google after only one week! Great tips on this blog, obviously. Now I just have to work on getting a better page rank. I just wanted to express my great joy! Hooray! I feel like I’m actually accomplishing something here!
March 26, 2009 1:44 PM
Connee said…
Correction as of 3/30/09…I WAS indexed on Google for a couple of days but then my site oddly disappeared from Google’s SERP. What gives? Anyone else experience anything like this? Wow, what a letdown. I thought I was doing everything right, then, boom…I’m cut off at the knees. Any advice, opinions, etc. would be greatly appreciated. Contact me at My blog is
March 30, 2009 4:45 PM
BoxieBlue said…
whew! this was a long one! i not only read this article in its entirety, but i also read ALL the linked articles…took me the better part of an hour….lol
there is a thing to be said about duplicate articles though. i have written 3 original articles and all of them are on mu;ltiple sites (3 sites, actually) without ANY changes at all (no article spinning)
however, tthey still rank on the first, or at least the second, page for their targetted keywords.
why do you think this happened? from what i hear Google doesnt like duplicate articles
April 03, 2009 12:10 PM
Renee said…
Great Information! Thank you so much for making it free.
May 12, 2009 11:51 AM
CJ said…
Thank you for creating this blog, you have given me a lot of insight into what can be done to succeed online. I’m a newbie and it seemed very overwhelming at first but your expert knowledge of the subject made me feel at ease. I feel like I can finally kick start my career as an online blogger. Your lessons truly are valuable and if you chose to sell them tomorrow, I’d buy them. Please keep up the good work. I wish you all the best with your future endeavors. I’ll keep in touch and try to follow this site ardently. Thanks again for your help man. Later!
July 22, 2009 7:12 PM
CJ said…
I know you’ve got to be pretty busy being as successful as you are with help countless beginners like me but I’d like you to give me some feedback on my blog. I’ve set it up and customized it a bit but I’m having trouble getting traffic. I’ve already been indexed but I want to improve my ranking and get onto page 1 asap. Thank you in advance for your help.
You can email me at
July 22, 2009 8:42 PM
vidhu said…
i want to know a simple thing please help me..
the thing is that in some vebsite i had seen that google is not accepting the adsense account for blogger…
is it true..
if it so help me with a way to get an adsense account..
July 31, 2009 11:09 AM
Ashley Carew said…
Hey thanks for all the advice, much appreciated. One question; if I rewrite my article for go articles, can I use the same version on all the other article websites? Will I get link juice that way?
September 21, 2009 9:44 PM
Rhyme said…
Fact is that every one is giving thousands of advices but no one is giving the actual thing. This is the blog one where I am actually learning the things, thanks
October 21, 2009 9:04 PM
DCnuebe said…
This blog is awesome!!! tow thumbs up… keep up the good work and those info’s for us newbie bloggers… You Inspire me a lot! Cheers!
October 22, 2009 3:29 AM
R said…
Hi Griz,
Just started reading your blog yesterday, and I am hooked! Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom, I have heard about blogging of course, and have tried a few blogs about random things.. But I want to make a little money out of it, and your blogs teach so much. In this world where practically nothing is free, I’m glad I found your site!
October 28, 2009 9:55 PM
scheng1 said…
I have a few questions on this section. Blog PR is not important or per blog post PR not important?
Backlink to blog is more important or backlink to each blog post?
November 07, 2009 10:05 AM
Tassos said…
Thanks for the usefull info you provide. I recently built my blog about web site construction and web hosting.
November 16, 2009 10:36 AM
Anonymous said…
Hi Griz! Great website, I’d like to ask for some advice! It’s concerning backlinks – not really sure how to do one! I’ve done all the steps leading up to that, created a blog and and an article, but I just don’t understand how to make the connection, how do I get the word to highlight in Goarticle? And in this process, my blog has disappeared! only to be replaced by a direct link to goarticle! Help would be much appreciated!!!
November 19, 2009 4:41 PM
slim said…
I only have web based email, an goarticle no longer accepts them! I have been going step by step until I hit this road block and now I don’t know what to do.
November 19, 2009 10:34 PM
Anonymous said…
Well, I’ve got the same problem as slim….Goarticle wants a non-webmail address, and I don’t have one, nor do I know where to get one! : /
How can someone get a non-webmail address for free?
Please help, I love your blogs!
November 21, 2009 11:26 PM
Vijay said…
Oh hey guys I just solved my problem. Make an account on (and change the default ending to something like or
It’s working! Hope it works for you too slim
November 22, 2009 12:34 AM
Tony Burke said…
December 20, 2009 5:40 PM
Money Online Venture said…
Thank you Griz,
I really needed this info.
i realized i messed up with my keywords (i don’t know a single thing about this). my main problem is to write unique content with rich keywords. do using synonym at GoArticle will really not make my blog post considered as duplicate content?
December 28, 2009 7:05 AM
Anonymous said…
Thanks for helping me out Grizz. I just started my first blog and it is addicting.
December 30, 2009 3:18 PM
Swathy said…
One more clarification is that does a blog have to be up and active for 6 months before you can get an adsense account. Is there a way to earn money without having an adsense account.
January 15, 2010 4:14 PM
Make Money Online – Christoph said…
“The sites using your article will likely not get the page indexed as Google will hit them for duplicate content. You won’t have to worry because the GoArticles post is different from your Blog post. While your competition is busy not being indexed using your article you will be getting indexed because of your unique content. Your competition actually helps you by giving you backlinks while you hurt them by giving them duplicate content. Imagine there were only ten sites on the net that competed for dog grooming. Your site uses unique content and you supply the other 9 sites with duplicate content embedded with backlinks to your site. What would Google see? They would rank you at the top as the authority because all the other sites are pointing at you.”
Hi Grizzy, just a thought, if Google dosent index this page then surely that also means they wont recognise the backlink and thus not credit you it?
Secondly, do you need to change each article for each article submission directory or can it be the same?
January 16, 2010 4:01 PM
Kingston Investments LLC said…
Great training, I was born in Winnipeg,lived in Churchill, great province to be from, in Florida now. Question I got this message “Sorry, we could not verify your AdSense account. Please check that the URL in your web browser exactly matches the URL in your confirmation email.”
How do I fix that?
January 20, 2010 11:34 AM
Anonymous said…
Just wanted to see if the comment box would work
February 11, 2010 3:30 PM
Grizzly said…
And it does work anon…
February 11, 2010 4:20 PM
Kris said…
When you say put your link in the link field, does this mean you’re creating a custom link field in the bottom and then changing the meta data to include this link in the post? Or is this as simple as just writing your link in the bottom of your post?
Thank You very much,
February 20, 2010 12:33 PM
srtr4k said…
Hey Grizz – Great stuff! I’m definitely coming late to the blog party, but hopefully there are still opportunities to make money. I’m interested in blogging, but more so for generating traffic to an online site. After reading the first two lessons, I have a better idea. However, I’m wondering if this information is still valid considering web trends change so much and this content was written 3yrs ago. Will these techniques still work with Google, Yahoo, and MSN. Also, does this information work for new “social” sites – e.g. personal change, classes, product reviews, local news, dating, social network clones, etc…
March 12, 2010 11:05 PM
Hamisi said…
Thank you so very much. Your tutorials helped me a lot to improve my new blog.
God bless you
March 13, 2010 2:35 PM
Michael said…
Hey Griz. I just wanted to ask. Which would is better when getting backlinks? goarticles or ezine articles? Thanks.
April 22, 2010 2:43 AM
Grizzly said…
Ezine has more clout but you should get links from both. It’s not one or the other – you want as many links from as many sources as you can find.
April 22, 2010 7:14 AM
Al said…
Great Info here! I love it!
One question though that has already been posted, but not answered, “do you need to change each article for each article submission directory or can it be the same?”
In other words, can the very same article you use for submissions, be submitted exactly as it is to multiple directories? Thanks.
May 31, 2010 10:16 AM
Online Money Secret said…
Where are the other blogging lessons ?
Part 3, 4, 5….
June 29, 2010 12:38 AM
Card Guru said…
Online Money Secret-
I found lesson #3 here…
It doesn’t say so on the page, but the link that got me to that page said it was lesson #3.
July 30, 2010 11:43 PM
Helen said…
Hey Grizzly,
It’s been a while since I showed up here. I quick search for ideas led me to your blog once again. Just reading through this long post reminded me why I like your blog the first time.
Nice to see you’re still rolling.
I have now updated my blog as well and have seen increase in traffic as well as income.
Thanks for the great post.
Helen Neely
August 08, 2010 3:40 AM
Anonymous said…
Hey Grizzly!
Just wanted to thank you for these lessons they are really spot on! Always had the problem of lacking the “know-how” and always tend to find really lousy webpages. This however is great! You make it more down to earth!
August 09, 2010 1:54 AM
YusufJaafar said…
Now I understand that to be love by search engine, the content must be unique and all SEO effort must be natural as possible. That is the basic that many people tend to forget.
Your blog got top spot on keyword “make money online blog” which is very competitive keyword. And also in 329,000,000 results. I am amaze with this. also lose to you. Haha XD
He got PR 6 but you only got PR 0. How you do this anyway?
p/s: I hope you don’t mind I put my website link here.
August 10, 2010 6:50 PM
Kawika said…
Like your ideas .. working on a blog now..
Looking forward to getting the results you have..
Keep up the great work
August 12, 2010 4:27 PM
suroz said…
Hi Grizz,
I really love your post, and I wanna ask you one question:
How do I get many backlinks from relevant sites fast?
I mean, blog commenting is a great way to get backlinks but it takes long time…
Do you have any suggestion?
September 03, 2010 4:18 AM
Anonymous said…
Hey Suroz,
Griz is right on about go articles. The problem is you have to be willing to write. With articles, the more you write with you link included, the more backlinks you can get.
There are many ways to get backlinks and some are better than others. I would take the griz approache and start with articles and then move up to other link building methods.
Blog comments are an ok way of getting backlinks however, like vic or court will even tell you, you have to have alot and be willing to put in the work.
Backlink building will also depend on your niche and keyword selections. Sure you can rank for guitar one day but it’s going to take years and alot of effort. And why would you want to anyway, it’s too general.
Check out Courts keyword course. He has pleny of idea’s on how to get backlinks.
Also check out others like Eric ward when you want to build authority links.
You really just have to learn how to do it and then do it and see what happens.
The biggest and best thing anyone can take from Giz’s teachings is backlinks and amount. Amount being how many pages you have on your site or blog. The more the better.
Todd J.
September 11, 2010 11:28 AM
Vladimir Grashnov said…
After reading the post, It seems that blogging is all about battle with the most accumulated amount of backlinks. I just wonder if internal links are also considered as a backlink.
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